24 Hours of Oak Valley MTB Relay ’16

24 Hours of Oak Valley MTB Relay ’16

As Extreme Lights are the official Lighting partner for the 24 Hour Oak Valley MTB Relay, we would like to encourage you to enter the event.  This is a FUN event and you can include your whole family.  Here follows all the necessary information for the MTB Event.

Twenty-four-hours of mountain biking in the Elgin Valley draws hundreds of campers!

Dirtopia has organised twenty 24 Hour MTB relay events since 2003, and this camping event is still a very popular weekend in the countryside, as it is a big social gathering in the beginning of the year.

Families gather around camp fires and kids have big grass fields to play on at this beautiful wine farm in Grabouw for two days. There will be food & drinks for sale and the ever needed coffee stand.

Event: 24 Hours of Oak Valley MTB Relay

Dates: Saturday 23 January (12h00) – Sunday 24 January (12h00)
Mountain Bike Team Relay

Venue: Oak Valley Estate, Elgin Valley, Grabouw, Western Cape

Format: Ride as many 10 km laps as you want or can over 24 hours
Trail will keep participants busy with singletrack and jeeptrack sections. The course conditions even changes over night…

Entry details: Teams of 4 or fun teams of 5 to 8 riders.  Or do it Solo!

Cost: R 290 to R 500 per rider, depending on category and date of entry.  Camping and support crew included. Warm showers & flushing toilets provided.

This event accepts pre-entries only, so make sure you gather your team in time, to qualify for a special price for those paying before the end of 2015. Pre-entries opened on Wednesday, 04 November 2015 and will close on Monday, 18 January 2016 at midnight.



Gate opens at 07h00 (not earlier!) on Saturday morning – NO camping on Friday evening. There is enough space on the big rugby field, so don’t worry. Camping spots are first come, first serve. Yes, you can park your car next to your camp area. Bring stuff to make you comfortable – gazebo, chairs, lights (no electricity), matrass etc.
Adhere to parking/camp signs and designated areas.

Extra campers (not riders or two support crew per team/solo) will pay R 80 for the night. (kids under 10 R 20).  Spectators that want to visit per day R 30 at the gate.

GATE – to get your campers access bracelet:

Solo’s – give your surname.

Teams – give your team name and then your surname. ONLY two support crew per team or solo. The two support crew names will be written next to team or solo rider as they arrive at the gate.

NOTE: NO DOGS / pets allowed!


  • LIME bar that will be selling cooldrinks, beer, smoothies etc
  • There will be food sales as well for breakfast, lunch & dinner.
  • Café Pronto will be there for some real good coffee.
  • Dirtopia will be selling some Trail Centre snacks like chips, energy bars etc. Also Dirtopia & Amarider merchandise for sale.

Fire danger
There will be a central / communal braai area but you can bring your own RAISED braaidrom, ‘skottel’ or gas for use at your campsites. Please be fire cautious in this sensitive area.  Bring fire extinguishers if you use gas at your campsite.

electricity at the campsite. (You rough it up for one night!) Central charging station for bike lights at the transition area.   There are some taps with drinking water.
Warm showers and flushing toilets. PLEASE be considerate to all and leave them in decent conditions and do NOT take the toilet paper out of the loos…



Open at Dirtopia Trail Centre, Delvera farm on Friday from 12h00 – 18h00.
Open at Oak Valley on Saturday from 07h30 – 11h30.
Bring your indemnities, especially if you are collecting for your friend. NO indemnity, no number.
Admin fee applicable for any changes to teams.
If you have not paid for your timing tag – please remember to bring your R 100 with to registration for a temporary trail tag (R 50 cash back upon return of tag). If you have a permanent Amarider Trail Tag at previous events – just bring to registration

NO support crew or other riders are allowed on the course accept for the 24 Hour entrants.


Extreme Lights are the official Light supplier for the event. Also available for sale at Dirtopia Trail Centre

Route info for MTB Relay:
A loop of about 11 km with 250 m of climbing. 2/3 singletrack with over 1/2 of that forested – yeehah! The longer loop will mean that novices in the fun teams will stay within the lap constraint parameters much easier and probably will mean more rest for team members.

Amarider & Trail Tag
Entrants will be timing with Amarider Trail Tag, if you have one from previous events please bring your tag along to registration. All entrants will need a TrailTag, available for purchase at R 50 for a temporary trail tag. Please note for a Temporary Trail Tag you are required to pay a R 100 deposit of which you will receive R 50 back upon returning it. The temporary tag will be taken off at the finish line or bring it to the info/reg office at the event. Temporary tags won’t work at future events.
This is an Amarider affiliated event – info & memberships available at start/finish area.
LISTEN to the briefing at the start, how to tag in & out etc.

• Lube station at tech/feeding zone;
• Squirt Barrier Balm chamois cream for racepacks;
• Squirt hampers for prizes.


Provisional schedule for the 24 Hours of Oak Valley MTB Team Relay 

Thursday, 21 January 2016:
12h00 – 18h00 Registration @ Dirtopia Trail Centre – CLICK HERE for directions

Friday, 22 January 2016:
10h00 – 15h00 Registration @ Dirtopia Trail Centre – CLICK HERE for directions

Saturday, 23 January 2016:
07H00 Campsite opens (NOT earlier)
07h30 – 11h30 Registration
11h45 Briefing for all riders
11h50 Lead rider at start
11h59 Countdown to Start
12h00 START
12h20 First riders complete lap & second riders go out.
19h40 Lights mounted on bikes
19:57 Sunset

23h00 Quiet hours in campsite!

Sunday, 24 February 2016:
Midnight = Halfway…
01h00-06h00 Hang on!!
05h59 Sunrise relieve your lights!
06h00 Quiet hours ended
11h59 Countdown to finish
NOON Official Finish
12h00-13h00 Riders complete last lap
13h30 Prizegiving
15h00-17h00 Pack up your gear



A Commemorative Medal to finishers who complete 8 laps & more


There are a few simple rules that will make everyone’s event more enjoyable. Stick to them or face the consequences…


  • Due to logistical issues we can only accept pre-entries. No refunds.
  • No Entries will be accepted after Monday, 18 January at midnight.
  • Every rider must sign an indemnity form that will be handed in by the Team Captain at registration.
  • If any team member cannot ride and is replaced by another rider, an admin fee of R50 will be charged at registration. NO more members can be added to fun teams at registration.  NO changes on Saturday morning – only on Thurs, 21 Jan & Friday 22 Jan.
  • Registration takes place Thursday, 21  Jan 12h00-18h00 and Friday, 22 Jan at the Trail Centre on Delvera 10h00-15h00. Saturday 23rdJan from 07h30 – 11h30 at the venue
  • Correspondence through Captains or Vice-Captains only!
  • Do not lose your camping bracelet, vouchers or baton.




  • Before the start, all team captains and solo riders must attend the race briefing. Here we’ll sort out all your last queries. Other team members are also welcome. The briefing will take place at 11H45 on Saturday morning.
  • Each starting racer must be at the Start line no later than 5 minutes prior to the start of the race with their team baton. Starting racers must have their bikes pre-positioned at the designated area at the Start. What is a Le-Mans style start? Riders must run to their bikes from the starting line.
  • The start is at 12H00 on Saturday afternoon!

No other riders (support crew or campers) are allowed to ride the course if they have not entered the 24 Hour event.


Please take note: 

  • You do not have to follow a set rider/runner sequence BUT:
  • There can be no more than 2 laps difference between team mate(s) with the least number of laps and the teammate with the most number of laps (after the 24hour period). A one lap penalty will be applied for each teammate who does not stay within two laps of the teammate with the most laps. This rule applies to the open, onefourzero and junior categories.
  • For the mixed teams the lap difference cannot be more than 4 laps.
  • For fun teams the lap difference cannot be more than 4 laps, but you don’t really care, do you?!!
  • Be nice, 99% of participants are there to have fun.
  • No foul language toward other entrants.
  • Mountain bikers: Let other riders know when you are passing. i.e. coming up on a slower rider, indicate “passing on the RIGHT or left. Shout: “Track please” for him to move over to the left, pass on right. Allow for slower riders to move over or reach an area suitable for passing.  If you are the rider being passed, listen to which side they are going to pass on, be courteous and allow the rider to go by. You do not have to stop riding to let them pass. In singletrack situations – please be patient.
  • If an entrant is injured, check to ensure they are alright and assist if needed.


  • All entrants must tag in at the end of their lap.
  • After the timing point, you can hand over the “baton” to the next entrant who will not be allowed to leave without it.
  • Even if you do consecutive laps – you have to book in at the timing area.
  • Same goes for Solo riders.
  • The transition and timing area is for entrants only – please – no obstructions!

The Finish:

  • The race finishes at 12H00 on Sunday afternoon.
  • After 12H00 no more laps can be started – you can still finish them though.
  • Finished times will be allocated from 12H00 and the team with the most laps (in the least amount of time) will win the race. A team with 20 laps and a 24H13min ride time will be second after a team (also with 20 laps) with a time of 24H12min. A team with a finish time of 24H20min but with 21 laps beats them both.
  • It is thus imperative that you try your best to start a final lap before the gun goes at 12H00!


  • The Race director will have the authority to disqualify any rider or team not obeying the rules. Meurant has the final say!
  • Categories are subject to the number of team entrants. If one category has three entries or less, then that category will fall away.
  • No prizes will be awarded to a category with less than 5 team entries. All teams will move into the pen category, should there not be enough teams in their category.

Please also read the full rules from Grannygear productions – we’ve just tweaked them a bit.
There is some very interesting rules regarding breakdowns and on course assistance that you should take note of…


1. Team Captains
Each team will designate a team captain and co-captain. Team captains will represent the team in all official correspondence and communications before, during and after the event. The co-captain may represent the team during the event when the captain is unavailable. Only team captains and co-captains may file protests.

2. Pre-race Meeting
The team captain and/or co-captain must attend the pre-race briefing; however, everyone is welcome.

3. Team Pit Area
Team’s must designate one and only one pit area – at your campsite. Entrants may change or repair any equipment in their Pit Area. Pit areas are not allowed on the course or in the Start/Finish area. However, emergency repairs may be performed in the Start/Finish area; you may even swap entire bikes. In the Start/Finish area or the team’s pit area, racers may accept support from anyone. Also, teams may bring as many support people as they would like (only two per team stay free), but their support is limited to the Start/Finish and the team’s pit areas, not on the course.

4. Support on the Course
Support on the course may only be supplied by other registered racers. Supporting racers must access the course under their own power (i.e. foot travel or on bike) and that access can only be achieved by following the course in either direction. Short-cutting the course is not allowed (see rule #12). Supporting members should stay clear of all competing entrants. Supporting memebers may take any equipment or tools with them; they may even swap bikes with their teammates. Cannibalizing bicycle parts is legal. Support can be provided by any registered entrant on any team to any registered entrant on any team.

5. Water and Food
Water and food may be supplied to any entrant, by anyone, anywhere on the course. However, entrants must stay well clear of the course when taking food or water. (And please do not throw energy food wrappers on the ground.)

6. Permitted Course Riders/Runners
Only officially registered entrants, credentialed media and event staff may ride/run on the designated event course during the event.

7. Team Number Display
Mountain bikers must display their race number on the front of their bikes, whenever on course where as Runners must have their race numbers pin to their runner t-shirt gear.

In the case of a bike swap, mountain bikers must swap the bike number to the new bike prior to continuing the race. Race officials may request to see this at any time.

8. Drafting
Entrants may draft, but they may only draft their competition & registered racers. Drafting other vehicles or a non-registered entrant is grounds for disqualification.

9. Right of Way (For Mountain bikers)
Racers riding bicycles have the right of way over racers pushing bicycles. When practical, racers pushing or carrying their bikes should stay on the least rideable portion of the trail when being passed. Racers pushing or carrying their bikes may overtake a racer riding his bike provided that they do not interfere with the riding racer.

10. Lapped Racers
Lapped entrants should yield to leaders. Leaders should be very vocal when preparing to pass any racer. “PASSING on your LEFT!,” “PASSING on your RIGHT!” should be called out. It is the responsibility of the challenging racer to overtake safely. Racers being lapped must yield on the first command.

11. Vying for Position
When two entrants are vying for position, the leading racer does not necessarily have to yield position to the challenging racer. However, a racer may not bodily interfere, with intent to impede another racer’s progress; this is considered to be highly unsportsmanlike behavior (see rule #13).

12. Short-cutting
Short-cutting the course by any registered racer shall result in a disqualification of that racer’s team.

13. Sportsmanship
Foul riding, use of profane or abusive language and other unsportsmanlike behavior will be taken very seriously. Such behavior by any racer shall subject that racer’s team to a warning or immediate disqualification. This will be strictly applied when such behavior is directed at course officials, volunteers or spectators. The penalty imposed is at the discretion of the race director. Be nice, 99% of the participants are there to have fun.

14. Protests
Protests can only be made by team captains or co-captains. Protests will be made in writing and delivered to the race director or co-director any time during the race or after the end of the race, up to 30 minutes after the posting of the final results. Protests should contain any information that supports the protest, including description of the incident, witnesses, names, addresses, phone numbers and signature of protesting team captain. A R50 fee shall be submitted, in cash, with the protest. The race director, after his own discovery, will promptly rule on the protest. The fee will be forfeited to the race director if the protest is denied or refunded if the protest is upheld.

15. Final Rulings
The race director has the final say in any ruling, including rulings made by the co-director.

16. Quiet Hours
Quiet hours for events conducted at night, will be imposed from 23h00 Saturday until 06h00 Sunday. During this time, noise must be kept to a minimum.

17. Lighting
Lighting requirements for events conducted at night: During the night ride, racers must have a primary light source with a minimum rated power of 10 watts. In addition, each racer must carry a secondary or backup light source in the form of a penlight, flashlight or other lighting system. (Battery chargers may be plugged in at the neutral charging station. For your own sake, teams should label their batteries and chargers with the team’s name. The neutral charging station is unsecured).

18. Lights Burning
Racers entering the course one hour before sunset on Saturday and up to one-half hour before sunrise on Sunday must have a working light source installed.

19. Log Tent
Entrants must log-out on each lap at the Timing Tent located at the Start/Finish Area. The team baton must be passed from the racer logging out to the Registrar, who records the log-out time. The log-out time of the first racer automatically becomes the log-in time of the next racer logging-in (regardless of whether or not there is a racer ready to log-in). In other words, the clock is ticking the entire time.

20. Consecutive Laps
An entrant may participate in consecutive laps, but there are restrictions on the composition of a team’s lap tally.

21. Loss of Baton Penalty
Loss of the baton will result in a 5-minute time penalty which will be applied to the team’s finish time on its last lap and will accrue to the racer finishing that final lap. The Registrar will issue a new baton.

22. Verifying the Log Sheet
It is the team’s responsibility to verify that each racer is logged-out correctly. Please be courteous and patient while verifying information with your Registrar. Registrars and race officials may request to see your race number on your handlebar or your tag at any time.

23. Lap Requirements
There can be no more than two laps difference between the teammate(s) with the least number of laps and the teammate with the most number of laps. A one lap penalty will be applied for each teammate who does not stay within two laps of the teammate with the most laps. (For example, a team that logged 20 laps with 1-5-7-7 laps, would incur a one lap penalty for the teammate with 1 lap, as he or she is more than two laps behind the teammates with seven laps. By the same token, a team that logged 20 laps with 0-4-7-9 laps, would incur a two lap penalty; one for the teammate with 0 laps and one for the teammate with 4 laps, as they are both more than two laps behind the teammate with nine laps).

24. Lap Requirements for Mixed Teams
For a Mixed team there can be no more than 4 laps difference between the team member with the most number of laps, and the team member with the least number of laps, or a one lap penalty will be applied to the team’s finish.(we’ve tweaked this one too…)

25. Canceling a Lap
Once on course, an entrant must complete his or her lap. However, the team has the option of canceling a racer’s lap and restarting the lap from the Log Tent with a substitute. This is a difficult and costly decision, but if the first racer is unable to complete the lap for any reason, it may be to the team’s advantage to cancel that racer’s lap. Any team member can cancel a racer’s lap by notifying the team’s Registrar at the Log Tent and initializing the log sheet next to the cancelled lap. If a team cancels a racer’s lap and is restarting with a new racer, a new baton will be issued without penalty. The new racer inherits the log-in time of the cancelled racer’s lap. Once a cancellation has been made, it cannot be rescinded. The cancelled lap does not count as a completed lap.

26. Substituting a Rider before the event.
To substitute a rider, the new rider must fill out an Indemnity Form, complete with team name and original signature, and deliver it to Dirtopia no later than the end of the last day of Registration. Changes made after the date specified on the Indemnity Form will incur a R 50 late fee. No rider substitutions will be accepted after Registration closes. No changes or substitutions will be made after the close of Registration on Friday and there will be no Registration on race day.

27. The Finish
The race starts and end at 12 noon. Racers must log-off the course from 12 noon on. Each team’s final placing will be determined by the number of laps the team has completed and the sequential order of finish within the team’s last lap. For example, a team that has completed 22 laps with a finish time of 12:31 p.m. would beat a team that completed 22 laps, with a finish time of 12:47 p.m. And, of course, a team that completed 23 laps, with a finish time of 1 p.m., would beat them both. If a racer logs-out just before 12 noon and no other team member logs-in before 12:05 p.m., then no finish time can be recorded and the team will be listed as DNF (did not finish).

28. Catastrophic Failure
In the case of catastrophic failure due to weather or another extenuating circumstance that prevents the ongoing scoring of the event or creates a racing environment that is deemed too dangerous for the participants, the race director may call the race as of a certain time. Final results will be calculated based on each team’s placement at the call time as determined by that team’s last completed lap. This rule is intended to be exercised as a last resort, in the most dire situations, when no other means is available to continue scoring the event or when the potential for serious harm or loss of life becomes imminent.

29. EMS Ghost Rider
In the event that a racer stops to assist in the care of a seriously injured fellow racer which requires an EMS response, Ghost Rider procedures will be implemented. The EMS personnel will radio to the Log Tent the name and number of the assisting racer. Race staff will then inform the team of the assisting racer to prepare the next rider on their team. That rider will be allowed to start his lap based on the assisting racer’s “ghost rider” lap time which will be based on the fastest of either the assisting riders average lap time or the team’s average lap time.

30. Helmets are compulsory for mountain bikers!

31. Obey all marshals and officials

32. Do not litter

33. Please return your racenumbers

34. Sorry, no refunds. No exceptions.

35. Moenie moeilikheid maak nie.(OK that’s one of ours!!)


Source: www.dirtopia.co.za

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