+27 21 886 5479 | support@extremelights.co.za

Our Cycle Lights Are SABS Approved

Did you know that all products that connect to the ESKOM Power grid must meet SABS safety standards? We were shocked to discover how few products sold to meet any standards at all. This is a classic example of how buying cheap can cost you more! Rest assured that Extreme Lights has the SABS safety badge of approval, and unlike other untested and unsafe equipment available on the market, you can be at ease when you connect our chargers to the mains. You will not put yourself and your loved ones in danger. When purchasing online items internationally, you take a big risk that the product might be unsafe. As international recalls can prove very difficult, bigger online stores do not always adhere to strict safety controls.  Keeping costs low is the main factor for companies like this, and sadly for many South African fly-by-nights too.

Why should YOU worry about this? Li-ion batteries pack a lot of power and connecting them to a low-grade charger can easily overcharge the batteries. They become like a ticking time bomb after being damaged and can blow at any time.  When a Li-ion battery explodes, the flame that is jettisoned is well over a 1000deg C, and can easily put fire to most household materials. Watch this video for an example of typical cells that cycle lights batteries are made of. 

Our standard cells have been improved over the last year and are now high quality and excellent value. We also now stock both Panasonic and Sanyo branded li-ion cells. If you want the best batteries, read more about our K-range with Panasonic cells.