Trans Baviaans Countdown - 1 Week Left! Rules and Guidelines
"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough."
-Og Mandino
Marshals will have discretion to apply rules on merit. On Route The road is open for normal traffic. Please obey all traffic rules, officials, marshals and medics. Medical and mechanical assistance will be available at specific checkpoints and on-route. The route will not be marked. Ensure that you are familiar with the information and maps provided. Checkpoints are not necessarily located on the road! There are crucial points not to be missed as you will end up on the wrong route or missing a checkpoint. These will be marked on the map and route description.
Look out for dangerous hidden bends especially on Nuwekloof Pass (± 30km) and the second half of the route (M.A.C) ± 140km. There will be no water points on the route except at checkpoints. Water (rivers) along the route is drinkable. Normal Eastern Cape Parks Regulations apply and personnel will be present to control this. Event Sweep Vehicles will be available to act as pick-up for those that are forced to withdraw. Motorcyclist (medics & Mechanics) are available on-route to assist with emergencies. The event is taking place in a Wilderness Area – PLEASE DO NOT LITTER! Unfortunately it will be unavoidable to prevent official vehicles to pass cyclist – please bear with it. This will be limited as far as possible. NO Assistance by Support Driver will be allowed on the route between checkpoints. Camping (own gear), resting, sleeping and having meals must be limited to checkpoints where proper assistance can be provided by marshals and support driver. Teams must be self-sufficient on the route and must carry basic repair and puncture kits. Should a team member not be able to continue, that member must be escorted by the team until the next checkpoint is reached.
The withdrawal must be reported to the nearest marshal or Checkpoint Marshal (CPM). The rest of the team will be allowed to continue and will still qualify for individual medals & certificates. Tokens must still be checked at each checkpoint. In the case of a 2 member team, the remaining team member must link up with another team or individual with the same rules applying. This must be reported at the CPM. Nobody is allowed to continue alone for safety reasons. Halfway Cut-off time at Bergplaas (Checkpoint #4) will apply Sunday morning 02:00. Teams not meeting this cut-off must withdraw. Closed gates on the route must be closed after you went through it. Please note that any reference to checkpoint locations are subject to change.
Checkpoints Teams will receive their lanyard with the first token at the check-in at the Start line. Teams must check in / Check out at the Checkpoint Marshal (CPM). (Also at the START – Checkpoint #0) Pleaste note that Checkpoint #1 is only a refreshment point , no check-in receival of token is required. Before teams depart they must receive their token/sticker from the Marshal. Food and drinks will be supplied at checkpoints for participants. Checkpoint #5 will have a Magic Light re-charge station - arrangements must be made at registration for battery swops.
Support Driver The support driver of your team plays an important part during the race. It is very important for the support driver to take the time to understand the rules and information provided. Should this be neglected resulting to rules not being obeyed, penalties or even disqualification will be given to the team of that support driver. This is why it is very important for the team to make sure that your support driver knows the route he is meant to use, checkpoints and the rules!
Please note: NO support vehicles are allowed on the route through the Baviaanskloof during the event. All facilities in the Baviaanskloof Megareserve have been booked for the event. The road through the Baviaanskloof Megareserve will be closed for all traffic, even for day visitors. Riders are allowed to lodge a complaint against support drivers not obeying the rules or acting in an unsafe and inconsiderate way towards the riders. This can be reported at any checkpoint and finish. See seperate page for a complete list of rules and regulations for Team Support Driver - Support Drivers must carry their own rules and map.
Equipment Each team must carry a basic first aid kit with space blanket, plasters, and bandages. Participants must be properly equipped for night riding (headlight and red tail light). Please use the back tail light on the on mode as flickering induce epileptic fits. The following compulsory equipment is required and must be seen as the bare minimum to be on the bike (this will be checked):
- Basic first aid kit (with space blankets, bandages, etc).
- Windbreaker & space blanket (each rider)
- Puncture repair kit & spare tube
- Lights and spare batteries (when applicable)
- Whistle
Make sure your bicycle is in good order, especially the brakes! Participants must complete the race with the bike they started with. Wearing of HELMETS is compulsory.
Rider Safety The event is not recommended for beginners. Ensure to take enough liquids before, during and after the race. Team members must stick together at all times. Teams must ensure that support vehicle driver know their designated route, checkpoints and the support driver rules!
Tandem Riders Tandem entries will be allowed but must be accompanied by another bicycle or tandem in the team. The team must consist of two seperate bicycles. Only if more than 10 tandem entries are received will a seperate tandem category be considered.
Bike Numbers At registration, you will receive a bag containing the numbers for your team. These will have the riders’ name on them. Do not swap your number with another rider! Attach your bike number to the front of your bike using at least 3 cable ties, securely fastened to the handle bar, so it is flat and can be easily seen from the front without any cables obscuring it. Do not wrap it around your stem! Teams must display race numbers at all times!
Containers At registration the team will receive 3 containers for transporting goods to the specific checkpoints –Checkpoints # 2, #3 and #4. No containers will be taken to Checkpoint # 1. Limit anything to be forwarded to checkpoints to fit in these containers. One container per checkpoint per team. Riders are not allowed to personalize these containers. Use cable ties to seal the containers. These will be opened at the checkpoints. Containers designated to specific checkpoints are not allowed to be sent to a different checkpoint (Example: No container sent to checkpoint # 3, so two containers sent to checkpoint # 4). Trucks to transport containers to the various checkpoints will be parked in front of the Royal Herberg (next to Engen) in Willowmore from 7:00 on Saturday. IMPORTANT: Containers must be placed back on the truck after use and before your departure from any of these checkpoints. From Checkpoint # 5 onwards own support vehicles must provide assistance - No containers will be taken to checkpoints #5 to #7. Afterwards the containers will be taken to the finish where the contents can be collected 08:00 - 11:00 on Sunday from the Hall at the Finish. Unclaimed and forgotten goods/equipment will be donated after 1 week of the event.
Disqualifications and Time Penalties Appeals for transgression of rules must be lodged in writing at the very next CPM. Appeals will be dealt with at the FINISH. Disqualification will result for transgression of the rules and especially the following which will be applied strictly:
- Teams not checking in at all checkpoints
- Team members not finishing together
- All members of a team not completing the race
- Teams receiving assistance from support vehicles on-route
- Teams support vehicles travelling on the riders' route
- Teams whose team members have been assisted (picked-up) by sweep vehicle
- Teams not finishing within the time limit
- Three time penalties against a team
- Any form of littering
- Bad sportsmanship and abuse towards officials
- Teams not checking in together at checkpoints. A maximum of a 2 minute gap will be allowed between members
- Team support vehicles not arriving a min of 20 minutes before their team at the Finish
- Ill-equipped teams (No lights, No compulsory equipment).
- Teams losing their tokens.
- Valid appeals against a specific team.
Time penalties will be a minimum of 20 minutes and will depend on the transgression. Time penalties will be added at the finish and not enforced at checkpoints. Marshalls and officials will apply rules at own discression. The decision of the race judge will be final.
Withdrawal Should anybody be forced to withdraw from the event for any reason the following recovery procedures will apply:
- Recovery from START to Chkpt #3 will be done by the sweep vehicle.
- Vehicles will be available at Checkpoint #2 (Geelhoutbos) and Checkpoint # 3 (Doornkraal) to transport withdrawals to Checkpoint #4 (Bergplaas) or to Checkpoint #5 (Hadleigh) where own support are waiting.
- The same as above will apply from Checkpoint #4 (Bergplaas)
- A sweep vehicle will travel behind all participants to assist/collect anyone with problems (mechanical and/or otherwise) and transfer them to the next Checkpoint.
- From Checkpoints #5 - #7 recovery will be done by teams own support vehicle.
- At Checkpoints #1 - #2 transport arrangements can be made with CPM or wait for sweep vehicle.
Weather The event will take place irrespective of weather conditions unless intervened by Disaster Management. Teams must be prepared for all weather conditions (Personal windbreaker!). An alternative route will be used should the Baviaanskloof become impassable due to flooding or any other circumstance.
Age All ages are calculated using the age you are on 31 December. The minimum age for riders is 18.
Race Times and Race Results The team time is taken when the last team member cross the finish line. The team must hand in their team lanyard/token to the finish marshal. You will be able to view results of the top ten teams at all the Checkpoints (including the finish) expect at Checkpoint #1 and #2 and off course the unmanned Checkpoint. The unofficial results will be available on the website (www.transbaviaans.co.za) within 48 hours after the event. The official results will be released once all penalties are incorporated in the finish times. Medals All finishers within the 24 hour time limit will receive a medal. The medal is part of a 5 piece shield which will be complete after the completion of 5 events. Should some team members make the distance within the 24 hour time limit while the rest fall just outside the limit (still complying to the rules) - then only those making it within the limit will receive a medal. The team will however be disqualified. Source: www.transbaviaans.co.za "Opportunities don't happen, you create them." -Chris Grosser